Thursday, November 24, 2022

Selling of books - Life Histories of Asian Butterflies Vol. 1, 2 & 3 (50% discount)

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Option 1: Both Vol 1 & 2, selling price: SGD 600.00 SGD 300.00

Option 2: All three books (Vol 1, 2 & 3), selling price: SGD 700.00 SGD 350

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Vol 3:

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Partial Life History of Narrow-banded Velvet Bob (Koruthaialos rubecula)

Partial Life History of Narrow-banded Velvet Bob (Koruthaialos rubecula)

A newly eclosed female of Narrow-banded Velvet Bob

Butterfly description:

The Narrow-banded Velvet Bob is common at all elevations in primary forest and forest fridge, in Peninsular Malaysia. It often shares the same habitats with K. sindu, which is the more abundant of the 2 species.  This species occurs from Assam to Sundaland and to Philippines.

Key to Identification:
K. rubecula (Narrow-banded Velvet Bob) - the orange-red discal band on forewing, often not reaching the costa edge.

K. sindu (Bright Red Velvet Bob) - the orange to orange-red discal band on forewing relatively narrow, its width not greater than the distance between the sub-apical edge of the band and the forewing apex.

Host plant: Calathea lutea  (to be confirm)

Host plant used by Narrow-banded Velvet Bob at N. Sembilan

Leaf cut out by caterpillar to build leaf folding shelter

Early stage:

Two caterpillars discovered on Calathea lutea (tbc) near to a forest fridge at Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. A male and a female caterpillar are collected to rear, both are successfully emerged to a male and a female adult skipper.

5th instar caterpillar when found in the field

Two view of 5th instar caterpillar, including head capsule view

Two views of caterpillar in pre-pupa stage

Two views of the pupa 

Photo showing the length of palpi on the pupa

Adult skipper of Narrow-banded Velvet Bob

Adult skipper of Narrow-banded Velvet Bob

Specimens photo of male and female

Upperside and underside view of male specimen

Upperside and underside view of female specimen

Male Genitalia:

3 views of the inner-side of valve, same male specimen with slightly different angle (inc. left & right valve)

Koruthaialos rubecula - uncus

Illustration of male genitalia of Koruthaialos butleri and K. sindu from C&P 5

Illustration of male genitalia of K. rubecula and K. sindu from Y.Inayoshi:

K. rubecula rebecula (Phangnga, Thailand)

K. sindu sindu (Mae Hong Son, Thailand)


  • C&P 5. The Butterflies of the Malay Peninsula, 5th Edition

Friday, August 19, 2022

Early stage of the Fulvous Pied Flat (Pseudocoladenia dan dhyana)

 Life History of Fulvous Pied Flat (Pseudocoladenia dan dhyana)

Female of Fulvous Pied Flat

Butterfly description:

Both wings are reddish brown above and below. Forewing has a dark submarginal fascia, and the hindwing is traversed by irregular lines composed of dark, diffuse patches. Male with two larger yellow hyaline spots at the end of the forewing cell, which are conjoined to form a single, outwardly, deeply indented spot facing the forewing edge, and there is a small spot above in space 11; there are larger spots in space 2 and 3, small sub-apical spots in space 6-8, and sometime a tiny spot in space 1b contiguous with spot in space 2. The female has much smaller spots and the lower cell spot may be absent.

Host plant description:

Cyathula prostrata - Hookweed (recorded in both Malaysia and Singapore)

Achyranthes aspera - Chaff Flower (recorded in Sulawesi)

Photo of host plants:

Host Plant: Cyathula prostrata
Close-up view of the host plant

Host plant flower and zoom-in view

Host plant from Tat Mok Waterfall, Phetchabun, Thailand

Early stage description:

The egg is dome-shaped with vertical line, yellowish white when freshly laid, and turn pinkish after 1 day. Egg is laid singly on the upperside of a leaf. The caterpillar eats just enough shell to emerge, and leave the remaining egg shell untouched. Egg is about 0.73-0.75 mm in diameter, and 17-19 longitudinal linear ridges.

Three views of the egg of Fulvous Pied Flat, empty shell on the right

Egg on the host plant

The 1st instar caterpillar has cylindrical-shaped body, with dorso-lateral reddish marking along each side of the body, and has a transverse black line behind the black shiny head capsule, short white satae found on the body. This stage take about 4 days.

1st instar, late stage

Leaf shelter of 1st instar Fulvous Pied Flat

The 2nd instar caterpillar has reduced dorso-lateral reddish marking along the each side of the body, this instar lasts about 4 days.
2nd instar caterpillar

The 3rd instar caterpillar looks similar in appearance as the 2nd instar caterpillar, the body now has distinctive white spots, and dorso-lateral line on each side of the body. This instar lasts about 5-6 days.

3rd instar caterpillar

The 4th instar caterpillar looks almost identical to the earlier instar, with visible different in term of size, and lighter brown of head capsule. This stage lasts about 6-7 days.

4th intar caterpillar
Leaf shelter of caterpillar in the field

The final (5th) instar caterpillar is similar to the earlier instar, with more distinctive dorso-lateral line on both side of body. The head capsule is purplish black. This instar last about 7 days.

5th instar caterpillar, side view of body and front head view

5th instar caterpillar. Male caterpillar on top, female at the bottom.

Side view of the late 5th instar caterpillar

2 views of a pre-pupatory stage caterpillar 

The pupa is light green, it has 1 small dark reddish brown projections on each side of the mesothorax. The pupa changed to amber-brown 2 days before pupation take place, and becomes almost dark brown 1 day before eclosion. Pupation takes place in the leaf shelter made by the last instar caterpillar.

2 view of a pupa of the Fulvous Pied Flat

2 view of the mature pupa (2 days before eclosion)

Special note:

1. There're several minor typo on the common name on some website - Fluvous Pied Flat.

2. Pisuth Ex-Amnuay didn't contribute to the book of The Butterflies of Hong Kong by M. J. Bascombe, G. Johnston and F.S. Bascombe

3. There's no record of the species in "The Butterflies of Hong Kong" book above. The species also not occurs in HK.


  • The Butterflies of The Malay Peninsula, A.S. Corbet and H.M. Pendlebury, 4th Edition, Malayan Nature Society, 1992.
  • The Life Histories of Asian Butterflies Vol. 2 by Igarashi & Fukuda

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Early stage of the Common Bush Brown (Telinga janardana sagittigera)

 Life History of the Common Bush Brown (Telinga janardana sagittigera)

Butterfly description:

The Common Bush Brown does not occurs in Singapore, but relatively common in forest undergrowth at moderate elevations in Malaysia. Adults butterflies are typically sighted flying around grassy patches. Similar to other Mycalesis members, the butterfly fly in an erratic manner. The Common Bush Brown is pale greyish brown on underside, with uniform size ocelli on both underside wings.

Host plant description:

Bred on Axonopus compressus (Common Cow Grass)

Digitaria longiflora

Photo of host plants:

Host plant: to be confirm

Early stage description:

Egg laid singly on the underside of host plant (photo above). The caterpillars are given the leaves of Axonopus compressus (Common Cow Grass) as alternative host plant.

Life cycle

Egg: 3 days
Larva: 23 days
Pupa: 8 days

The egg of the Common Bush Brown takes about 3 days to hatch.

Head capsule of the caterpillar clearly visible through the egg shell.

The newly hatched caterpillar has cylindrical body and whitish in colour, as soon as the caterpillar start to feed on the leaf, the body turned into a greenish undertone. On the day 3, the dorsum of the last three segments turns reddish. The 1st instar last about 4 days.

Two views of 1st instar caterpillar

The 2nd instar caterpillar has a head capsule with different shade of light brown, the horns become pointed. The two anal processes are longer and pronounced. The body is yellowish green. The 2nd instar last about 3 days.
Two views of 2nd instar caterpillar

The 3rd instar caterpillar resembles the previous instar. The head capsule is darker brown, body is yellowish brown. This stage takes 3 days to complete.

3rd instar larva

The 4th instar caterpillar bears a close resemblance of 3rd instar, with darker yellow-greenish body. This stage last about 5 days.

4th instar larva, dormant prior to its moult

The 5th caterpillar, now with dark reddish brown body and head capsule. There's a narrow dark band on the dorsum of the thorax. In addition, two zigzag lines adorns each side of the body surface. The head capsule turns increasing dark to black as growth progresses. This instar last for 7 days. Pre-pupatory last about 1 day.

Two view of 5th instar caterpillar
Larva in Pre-pupatory postion

The pupa is golden brown in colour. It takes 8 days before eclosion event takes place.

2 view of a pupa of Common Bush Brown


Goh LC - Egg collection. Provide the pupation period and host plant name.


  • The Butterflies of the Malay Peninsula, by A. Steven Corbet and H.M. Pendlebury, 5th Edition revised by George Michael Van Der Poorten and Nancy E. Van Der Poorten