Sunday, October 16, 2022

Partial Life History of Narrow-banded Velvet Bob (Koruthaialos rubecula)

Partial Life History of Narrow-banded Velvet Bob (Koruthaialos rubecula)

A newly eclosed female of Narrow-banded Velvet Bob

Butterfly description:

The Narrow-banded Velvet Bob is common at all elevations in primary forest and forest fridge, in Peninsular Malaysia. It often shares the same habitats with K. sindu, which is the more abundant of the 2 species.  This species occurs from Assam to Sundaland and to Philippines.

Key to Identification:
K. rubecula (Narrow-banded Velvet Bob) - the orange-red discal band on forewing, often not reaching the costa edge.

K. sindu (Bright Red Velvet Bob) - the orange to orange-red discal band on forewing relatively narrow, its width not greater than the distance between the sub-apical edge of the band and the forewing apex.

Host plant: Calathea lutea  (to be confirm)

Host plant used by Narrow-banded Velvet Bob at N. Sembilan

Leaf cut out by caterpillar to build leaf folding shelter

Early stage:

Two caterpillars discovered on Calathea lutea (tbc) near to a forest fridge at Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. A male and a female caterpillar are collected to rear, both are successfully emerged to a male and a female adult skipper.

5th instar caterpillar when found in the field

Two view of 5th instar caterpillar, including head capsule view

Two views of caterpillar in pre-pupa stage

Two views of the pupa 

Photo showing the length of palpi on the pupa

Adult skipper of Narrow-banded Velvet Bob

Adult skipper of Narrow-banded Velvet Bob

Specimens photo of male and female

Upperside and underside view of male specimen

Upperside and underside view of female specimen

Male Genitalia:

3 views of the inner-side of valve, same male specimen with slightly different angle (inc. left & right valve)

Koruthaialos rubecula - uncus

Illustration of male genitalia of Koruthaialos butleri and K. sindu from C&P 5

Illustration of male genitalia of K. rubecula and K. sindu from Y.Inayoshi:

K. rubecula rebecula (Phangnga, Thailand)

K. sindu sindu (Mae Hong Son, Thailand)


  • C&P 5. The Butterflies of the Malay Peninsula, 5th Edition